Memorial Service Speech - Rick Scott

Tribute to Annie Nelson
September 29, 2001
Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

My name is Rick Scott and I'm from Northern Wisconsin where Annie was born. My family and the Nelsons have been close for many years.

Not long ago, Annie told me of her new job in New York City - which she was very excited about. Not knowing much about the financial center, I asked her where she was going to be working. She replied with a big Annie Nelson smile saying, "I'll be on top - right at the very top." Annie had such a lively spirit about her.

She was the most beautiful child, the most wonderful daughter a parent could love. In addition, she was a very active sister trying to keep up with Scott, her older brother.

She learned to walk in Bayfield and played in a yard overlooking Lake Superior. Being born on Syttende Mai (or the 17th of May) to a very Norwegian household, she had little choice but to learn to ski early - especially since the ski hill was just behind their home.

On one 40 degree below January weekend, Annie created a fuss because we all found it time to go into the chalet to warm up. Annie was having such a good time on her little skis that she refused to stop and come inside for hot chocolate.

When she was ten, now living in Stanley, North Dakota, she showed my son, daughter and me her horse. When we asked if she could ride her horse, she brought the horse to the fence. Without asking her father to saddle or bridle the animal, she grabbed some mane, pulled herself cross-ways, scrambled up-right onto the horse and rode
merrily around the pasture.

Annie was bright and did well in school. Should we have been surprised? After high school, she gained acceptance at Carleton and excelled as a student, made strong friendships and loved those years. Some of us thought that because of her Norwegian-ness, she might have been mistaken for an Ole.

Annie often traveled to the mountains to ski. She made sure that even those of us with creaky bones made it to the top early to thrash the new snow. She skied so strong and well. Those of us who were a little slow in following soon found out what skiing tracked powder was all about.

After college, Annie held several good positions in the financial communities of the Twin Cities and Chicago. Her successes in her career made her family so proud - as well as the rest of us.

All of us here have been fortunate to have had Annie with us in our lives. We remember Annie and we miss her very much.

A Mother's Only Daughter

That’s why I seek my Annie

I can’t let her go away.

I must seek until I find her-

I must see her every day.

She is my only daughter-

She is my joy and pride.

I must find a way to keep her

ever by my side.

I must speak a brand new language

I must find a way to see.

I must travel to where my Annie is

if she can’t find her way to me.cont.